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The human behind all this mess

Niklas Lunger is my Name.

With a little imagination you can reach me via Email on the mail service of this big search engine.
Not interested in communication with bots or humans that act like them, sorry...

I am only reliable for Stuff on this Website.
Any Links are provided on a best effort basis, so you klick on them at your own risk.


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No Cookies that i know of.

Only your IP is logged.

You visit Links on your own risk.

This Site was made with Mobirise 4



-Friedl & Traudl for everything.

-Dominic S. for endless hours of talks about my VeloMobile
-Hans M. for his generous support of my efforts

-Marianne S. for absolute honesty, new perspectives and insights
-Leo for inviting me to Maker Faire Hannover

-Thomas H. for the first drawing of the first wooden frame of my Velomobile.
-Laura for support of the OpenClosed Velomobile stand at Maker Faire Vienna